The state of Western Australia, is Australia’s face on the Indian Ocean. Its capital Perth is closer to Singapore and Jakarta than it is to Canberra. The majority of people live in and around Perth.
Western Australia is the largest Australian State. With an area of more than 2 500 000 sq km, a 12 500 km coastline and spanning 2 400km from north to south, it occupies a third of the continent.
Only the narrow Timor Sea separates its northern coastline from equatorial islands of the Indonesian Archipelago and to the south is the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.
Western Australia's history dates back more than 40,000 years with a rich Aboriginal history, making it one of the oldest lands on Earth.
Australian Aboriginals were the original inhabitants of Australia. They lived a nomadic existence, moving within fairly well-defined geographic regions, as they followed the seasons and food sources.
Indigenous Australians survived in harsh climatic and environmental conditions which ranged from cold temperate to hot tropical, coping with arid conditions and torrential rains. They have dwelt for many thousands of years in ways that sustained their societies while conserving resources, protecting fragile soils and leaving a light footprint on the environment.
Western Australia enjoys a Mediterranean climate with lots of sunshine, moderate temperatures and seasonal rain with Perth having more days of sunshine than any other major Australian city.
With the largest land mass of all the states, Western Australia has two distinct variations in seasons. The southern half of the state, which includes Perth, experiences the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter whereas the northern half of the state has two seasons; “the wet” and “the dry”.
“The dry” occurs between May and September where clear blue skies are the norm and the temperatures are pleasant during the day and dip considerably during the night.
“The wet” occurs between October and April when most of the rain falls, bringing humidity and thunderstorms. The daytime temperatures are in the mid to high 30’s with evening temperatures in the mid 20’s.
In the Perth metropolitan area you might hear the term ‘the Fremantle Doctor’. This refers to the cooling afternoon south-westerly breeze during summer.
The cooler climate of the south west has given rise to the area becoming famous for its wonderful food and wine regions.
The native flora of Australia is considered to be the most diverse and varied in the world.
One of the most unusual of the native flora is the Red and Green Kangaroo Paw. The Kangaroo Paw is the floral emblem of the State of Western Australia.
On November 9 1960, the Lieutenant Governor of Western Australia, His Excellency The Honourable Sir John Dwyer, declared that the flower of the plant known as the Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos Manglesii) be adopted and recognised as the floral emblem of the State of Western Australia.
The Black Swan is one such animal and is a most appropriate choice as the bird emblem for the State of Western Australia.
On 25 July 1973, the Governor of Western Australia, His Excellency Major General Sir Douglas Kendrew declared the Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) was to be adopted and recognised as the State Faunal (Bird) Emblem of Western Australia.
The Numbat is also unique and is the State Faunal (Animal) Emblem of Western Australia.
The Numbat or Banded Anteater (Myrmecobius fasciatus) was declared and authorised as the faunal emblem of the State of Western Australia by the then Governor of Western Australia, His Excellency Major General Sir Douglas Anthony Kendrew on 25 July 1973.
The Gogo Fish is the Fossil Emblem of the State of Western Australia.
The initiative for Western Australia to adopt a fossil emblem and for the emblem to be the Gogo Fish (Mcnamaraspis kaprios) came from students at Sutherland Primary School in Dianella, a suburb of Perth.